Visiting Professors

The University of Turin fosters ad hoc programs to attract international Visiting Professors in all scientific areas.
International professors can apply to UniTo Visiting Professor Program through a specific call for applications published every year.
For the academic year 2024-2025 UniTo offered 161 positions for faculty members from EU and non-EU universities interested in lecturing official courses at Bachelor (undergraduate degree) and Master (postgraduate degree) levels.
The second call for applications for 6 vacant positions is closed.
See below the selection results. The appointed Visiting Professors is the first in the list for each position. The other ranked candidates are considered eligible for the chosen course. They will be contacted by UniTo’s Offices, in case of renounce of the appointed VP.
The call for applications is closed.
The appointed Visiting Professors is the first in the list for each position.
The other ranked candidates are considered eligible for the chosen course. They will be contacted by UniTo’s offices, in case of renounce of the appointed VP.
Get to know the Visiting Professors hosted by the University of Turin.